Season | 1998-1999 |
Performance Date | December 28, 1998 |
Performance Year | 1998 |
Performance Time | 8:00PM |
Additional Performances | 12/29--1/2 |
Location | Academy Hall, Stockholm (2 performances), Johannes Church, Stockholm, Skansen (midnight New Year’s Eve) televised |
Performance Title | Ensemble Singers Tour Stockholm MidVinter Festival |
Composer | Aaron Copland |
Title Of Work | The Tender Land |
Country | USA |
Year Composed | 1954 |
Timing | 6min 10sec |
Performers | VocalEssence Chorus & Ensemble Singers; Keith McCutchen, piano, Jay Young, bass, Bobby Commodore, drums; Anthony Elliott, cello; Grant Randall, trombone; Lou Bellamy, Gavin Lawrence, Eric Torrey-White, Austene Van Williams, actors; Jon Cranney, stage director; Kris Broderson, stage manager; David Grant, scriptwriter; Co-op Media (Justin Heideman), images. Concert Conversation: CJF with David Grant |
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