Bach’s Christmas Oratorio 2023 Digital Concert Program

The bottom half of a violin with sheet music, pine, and cranberries adorning the front of the fiddle on rustic wood background. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock ImageFEATURING:
Orchestra of the Bach Society of Minnesota
VocalEssence Ensemble Singers
Nicholas Chalmers, Evangelist
Matthias Maute, conductor
Philip Brunelle, conductor


While growing up, the magic of Christmas and the holiday season was impossible to surpass in the annual cycle of events. In our younger years this magic seemed to be associated with the special ambiance and (most importantly!) the gifts, however naturally we all came to realize how over the years our interests shift to different matters.

Today, it is very obvious that an event like Bach’s Christmas Oratorio represents, more than anything else, the overflow of joy and excitement during this special time of the year.

The Bach Society of Minnesota started the annual performance of the Christmas Oratorio in 2017. It is such a pleasure and honor to partner again with VocalEssence and Philip Brunelle for a performance of four cantatas, three of which are taken from
the Christmas Oratorio.

Cantata BWV 147 will be a new element for our annual cycle: Bach had already written most of it in 1716, as an advent cantata for the court chapel in Weimar, but it was only in Leipzig that he added the recitatives with instrumental accompaniment and the well-known chorale.

It makes us happy to present the four highly inspired cantatas that are on the program. And we wish nothing more than to see you equally happy during and after the concert!

—Matthias Maute, Artistic Director, Bach Society of Minnesota
—Philip Brunelle, Artistic Director and Founder, VocalEssence

Program and Texts


Jauchzet, frohlocket, auf, preiset die Tage,
rühmet, was heute der Höchste getan!
Lasset das Zagen, verbannet die Klage,
stimmet voll Jauchzen und Fröhlichkeit an!
Dienet dem Höchsten mit herrlichen Chören,
laßt uns den Namen des Herrschers verehren!
Singing, rejoicing, give praise and shout gladly;
honor what God in the highest has done!
Banish all worry, forbid all complaining,
join in with praises and joyfully sing!
Serve the Almighty with beautiful singing;
praise to God’s Name, who over all things is reigning!

2. RECITATIVE (Evangelist)

Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit,
daß ein Gebot von dem Kaiser Augusto ausging,
daß alle Welt geschätzet würde.
Und jedermann ging, daß er sich schätzen ließe,
ein jeglicher in seine Stadt.
Da machte sich auch auf Joseph aus Galiläa,
aus der Stadt Nazareth,
in das jüdische Land zur Stadt David,
die da heißet Bethlehem;
darum, daß er von dem Hause
und Geschlechte Davids
war auf daß er sich schätzen ließe mit Maria,
seinem vertrauten Weibe, die war Schwanger.
Und als sie daselbst waren, kam die Zeit,
daß sie gebären sollte.
And it came to pass in those days,
that a decree from Caesar Augustus went out,
that all the world should pay their taxes.
And everyone went together to be counted,
each going into hisown city.
And also there came up Joseph from Galilee,
up out of Nazareth,
to the City of David in Judea,
which we know as Bethlehem,
for Joseph descended from
the royal line of David’s house,
that he would be taxed in Bethlehem with Mary;
and she was great with child, his wedded wife.
While they were there, the time for Mary came,
that she should be delivered.

3. ACCOMPANIED RECITATIVE (Patricia Kramer, alto)

Nun wird mein liebster Bräutigam, nun wird der Held aus Davids
Stamm zum Trost, zum Heil der Erden einmal geboren werden.
Nun wird der Stern aus Jakob scheinen, sein Strahl bricht
schon hervor.
Auf, Zion, und verlasse nun das Weinen, dein Wohl steigt
hoch empor!
Now will my dearest bridegroom come; now will the child of
David’s line bring comfort, bring peace from heaven, when he is
born, our Savior.
Now is the star from Jacob rising, his beam breaks forth on earth.
Come, Zion, put aside your tears and weeping, your help is
given birth!

4. ARIA (Alto)

Bereite dich, Zion, mit zärtlichem Trieben,
den Schönsten, den Liebsten bald bei dir zu sehn!
Deine Wangen müssen heut viel schöner prangen,
eile, den Bräutigam sehnlichst zu lieben!
Prepare yourself, Zion, with tender emotion,
the fairest, the dearest will soon come to you!
Your appearance today must be full of radiance;
meet him the Bridegroom with loving devotion!


Wie soll ich dich empfangen und wie begegn’ ich dir?
O aller Welt Verlangen, o meiner Seelen Zier!
O Jesu, Jesu, setze mir selbst die Fakkel bei,
damit, was dich ergötze, mir kund und wissen sei!
How shall I then receive you and meet you, Lord of all?
Desire of every nation, adornment of my soul!
O Jesus, Jesus, grant me yourself the light to see,
so that which brings you pleasure is understood by me!

6. RECITATIVE (Evangelist)

Und sie gebar ihren ersten Sohn und wickelte ihn in Windeln und
legte ihn in eine Krippe, denn sie hatten sonst keinen Raum in
der Herberge.
And she gave birth to her firstborn son, and in swaddling clothes
she wrapped him and laid him cradled in a manger, for there had
been no other room in the inn for them.

7. CHORALE (Sopranos and David Gindra, bass)

Er ist auf Erden kommen arm
Wer will die Liebe recht erhöhn,
die unser Heiland för uns hegt?
daß er unser sich erbarm
Ja, wer vermag es einzusehen,
wie ihn der Menschen Leid bewegt?
und in dem Himmel mache reich
Des Höchsten Sohn kommt in die Welt,
weil ihm ihr Heil so wahl gefällt,
und seinen lieben Engeln gleich.
so will er selbst als Mensch geboren werden.
He came to earth, a child so poor,
Who will express this love from heaven,
the love our Savior shows this day?
of his mercy we are sure;
Yes, who can understand or fathom
how he is moved by our dismay?
and grants the wealth of heaven here,
The Son of God comes to the earth
to bring salvation with his birth.
and brings the realm of angels near.
He chose to be a child like every other.
Lord have mercy!

8. ARIA (Nathan Peterson-Kindem, bass)

Großer Herr, o starker König, liebster Heiland, a wie wenig
achtest du der Erden Pracht!
Der die ganze Welt erhält, ihre Pracht und Zier erschaffen,
muß in harten Krippen schlafen.
Sovereign Lord, O mighty ruler, Jesus Christ, Thou blessed Savior
O how you disdain all earthly vanity!
He who holds the universe, who created all its splendor,
will in rugged manger slumber.


Ach, mein herzliebes Jesulein,
mach dir ein rein sanft Bettelein,
zu ruhn in meines Herzens Schrein,
daß ich nimmer vergesse dein!
Ah, dearest Jesus, rest your head
upon a humble cradle bed.
Within my heart I do implore,
that I forget you never more!


11. RECITATIVE (Evangelist)

Und es waren Hirten in derselben Gegend
auf dem Felde bei den Hürden,
die hüteten des Nachts ihre Herde.
Und siehe, des Herren Engel trat zu ihnen,
und die Klarheit des Herren leuchtet um sie,
und sie furchten sich sehr.
And there were shepherds abiding in the field
who watched over their flocks by night.
And see, the angel of the Lord came to them
and the glory of the Lord shone around them
and they were afraid.


Brich an, o schönes Morgenlicht,
Und lass den Himmel tagen!
Du Hirtenvolk, erschrecke nicht,
Weil dir die Engel sagen,
Dass dieses schwache Knäbelein
Soll unser Trost und Freude sein,
Dazu den Satan zwingen
Und letztlich Friede bringen!
Break out, O beautiful morning light,
and fill the heavens with glory!
You shepherd folk, do not fear
and hear the Angels’ story:
This baby will be our comfort and joy,
Sustain us and bring peace at last!

13. RECITATIVE (Evangelist, Kathryn Rupp, soprano)

Und der Engel sprach zu ihnen: And the angel said to them:


Fürchtet euch nicht,
siehe, ich verkündige euch große Freude,
die allem Volke widerfahren wird.
Denn euch ist heute der Heiland geboren,
welcher ist Christus,
der Herr, in der Stadt David.
Be not afraid,
For I bring you joyful tidings,
which shall be to all people.
For unto you, on this day in the city of David
A Savior is born, who is Christ the Lord.

14. RECITATIVE (Erik Krog, bass)

Was Gott dem Abraham verheißen,
Das lässt er nun dem Hirtenchor
Erfüllt erweisen.
Ein Hirt hat alles das zuvor
Von Gott erfahren müssen.
Und nun muss auch ein Hirt die Tat,
Was er damals versprochen hat,
Zuerst erfüllet wissen.
What God promised to Abraham
God showed the shepherds
on the day when Christ was born.
God made the covenant in the days of old
and to the shepherds God fulfilled it.

15. ARIA (Nicholas Chalmers, tenor)

Frohe Hirten, eilt, ach eilet,
Eh ihr euch zu lang verweilet,
Eilt, das holde Kind zu sehn!
Geht, die Freude heißt zu schön,
Sucht die Anmut zu gewinnen,
Geht und labet Herz und Sinnen!
Joyful shepherds, hurry,
Don’t waste precious moments
Hurry to see the lovely child!
Let your joy be unbounded
seek his grace’s inspiration,
go and refresh your heart and mind!

16. RECITATIVE (Evangelist)

Und das habt zum Zeichen:
Ihr werdet finden das Kind in Windeln gewickelt und in einer
Krippe liegen.
And this shall be the sign:
you will find the child wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in
a manger.


Schaut hin, dort liegt im finstern Stall,
Des Herrschaft gehet überall!
Da Speise vormals sucht ein Rind,
Da ruhet itzt der Jungfrau’n Kind.
Look, there lies in the dark stable
one who has dominion over all!
Where once an ox sought food
now rests the Virgin’s child.

18. RECITATIVE (Erik Krogh, bass)

So geht denn hin, ihr Hirten, geht,
Dass ihr das Wunder seht:
Und findet ihr des Höchsten Sohn
In einer harten Krippe liegen,
So singet ihm bei seiner Wiegen
Aus einem süßen Ton
Und mit gesamtem Chor
Dies Lied zur Ruhe vor!
Then go, you shepherds, go,
that you may see the wonder:
And when you find the son of the Highest
lying in an austere manger,
then sing to him in his cradle
in a sweet tone
and with the whole choir
bring this song of slumber!

19. ARIA (Anna Meek, Audrey Lane-Getaz, Carolyn Nuelle, alto)

Schlafe, mein Liebster, genieße der Ruh,
Wache nach diesem vor aller Gedeihen!
Labe die Brust,
Empfinde die Lust,
Wo wir unser Herz erfreuen!
Sleep, my dearest, enjoy your rest.
wake from slumber to bring us salvation.
Rest and sleep with a smile,
Wake to hear our exultation!

20. RECITATIVE (Evangelist)

Und alsobald war da bei dem Engel
die Menge der himmlischen Heerscharen,
die lobten Gott und sprachen
And suddenly there appeared with the angel
a multitude of the heavenly host
praising God and saying:


Die Engel:
Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe
und Friede auf Erden
und den Menschen ein Wohlgefallen.
Glory to God in the highest
peace on earth
and goodwill towards all

22. RECITATIVE (Erik Krogh, bass)

So recht, ihr Engel, jauchzt und singet,
Dass es uns heut so schön gelinget!
Auf denn! wir stimmen mit euch ein,
Uns kann es so wie euch erfreun.
It is right, you Angels, that you should rejoice and sing
today is born our Lord and King.
Sing then and each one raise their voice
And with the Angels all rejoice.


Wir singen dir in deinem Heer
Aus aller Kraft, Lob, Preis und Ehr,
Dass du, o lang gewünschter Gast,
Dich nunmehr eingestellet hast.
In chorus now to you we raise
With mighty voice our songs of praise
That our long-awaited Guest
Has come at last into this world.

CANTATA 147, part I

Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben
Muss von Christo Zeugnis geben,
Ohne Furcht und Heuchelei,
Dass er Gott und Heiland sei.
Heart and mouth and deed and living
Must bear witness of Christ,
Without fear and hypocrisy,
That he is God and Savior.

2. RECITATIVE (Nicholas Chalmers, tenor)

Gebenedeiter Mund!
Maria macht ihr Innerstes der Seelen
Durch Dank und Rühmen kund;
Sie fänget bei sich an,
Des Heilands Wunder zu erzählen,
Was er an ihr als seiner Magd getan.
O menschliches Geschlecht,
Des Satans und der Sünden Knecht,
Du bist befreit
Durch Christi tröstendes Erscheinen
Von dieser Last und Dienstbarkeit!
Jedoch dein Mund und dein verstockt Gemüthe
Verschweigt, verleugnet solche Güte;
Doch wisse, dass dich nach der Schrift
Ein allzuscharfes Urteil trifft!
O though most blessed voice!
Mary makes the innermost part of her soul
known through thanks and praise;
She undertakes along
to tell the wonders of the savior,
all that he has done for her as his handmaid.
O human race
servant of Satan and sin,
you are set free
through Christ’s consoling appearance
from this burden and slavery!
Yet your mouth and your obdurate spirit
keep silent and deny such kindness;
Remember, that according to scripture
there awaits you a sharp judgment!

3. ARIA (Kristina Rodel, alto)

Schäme dich, o Seele nicht
Deinen Heiland zu bekennen,
Soll er dich die seine nennen
Vor des Vaters Angesicht!
Doch wer ihn auf dieser Erden
Zu verleugnen sich nicht scheut,
Soll von ihm verleugnet werden,
Wenn er kömmt zur Herrlichkeit.
Do not be ashamed,O Soul,
to acknowledge your saviour
if he were to call you his own
before his father’s face
But whoever on this earth
does not shrink from denying him
will himself be denied by him
when he comes in glory.

4. RECITATIVE (Joe Kastner, bass)

Verstockung kann Gewaltige verblenden
Bis sie des Höchsten Arm vom Stuhle stößt;
Doch dieser Arm erhebt,
Obschon vor ihm der Erde Kreis erbebt,
Hingegen die Elenden,
So er erlöst.
O hochbeglückte Christen,
Auf, machet euch bereit,
Itzt ist die angenehme Zeit,
Itzt ist der Tag des Heils: der Heiland heißt
Euch Leib und Geist
Mit Glaubensgaben rüsten,
Auf, ruft zu ihm in brünstigem Verlangen,
Um ihn im Glauben zu empfangen!
Stubbornness can blind the powerful
until the arm of the highest thrusts them from their seat;
yet this arm
even though the round earth trembles before it
on the other hand raises the wretched,
Whom he redeems.
O very fortunate Christians
Rise, make yourself ready,
now is the acceptable time,
now is the day of salvation: the saviour calls
you to arm body and spirit
with the gifts of faith,
Rise, call to him in ardent longing
and receive him in faith!

5. ARIA (Carey Shunskis, soprano)

Bereite dir, Jesu, noch itzo die Bahn
Bereite dir, Jesu, noch itzo die Bahn,
Mein Heiland, erwähle
Die gläubende Seele
Und siehe mit Augen der Gnade mich an!
Prepare the way to you now, Jesus,
my Savior, choose
my faithful soul
and look upon me with eyes of mercy!


Wohl mir, daß ich Jesum habe
O wie feste halt ich ihn,
Dass er mir mein Herze labe,
Wenn ich krank und traurig bin.
Jesum hab ich, der mich liebet
Und sich mir zu eigen gibet;
Ach drum lass ich Jesum nicht,
Wenn mir gleich mein Herze bricht.
What joy for me that I have Jesus,
oh, how firmly I hold him
so that he may make my heart rejoice,
when I am sick and filled with grief.
I have Jesus, who loves me
and gives himself to me for his own.
Ah, therefore I shall not let go of Jesus,
even though my heart should break.


Herr, wenn die stolzen Feinde schnauben,
so gib, daß wir im festen Glauben
nach deiner Macht und Hülfe sehn!
Wir wollen dir allein vertrauen,
so können wir den scharfen Klauen
des Feindes unversehrt entgehn.
Lord, when the haughty foes are raging,
grant that we in faithful trusting
upon your help and power stand!
We trust in you alone for rescue,
the powers of evil cannot harm us,
and foes leave our land undefiled.

55. RECITATIVE (Evangelist, Herod-Joe Kastner, bass)

Da berief Herodes die Weisen heimlich
und erlernet mit Fleiß von ihnen,
wenn der Stern erschienen wäre.
Und weiset sie gen Bethlehem und sprach:
Ziehet hin und forschet fleißig nach dem Kindlein,
und wenn ihr’s findet, sagt mir’s wieder,
daß ich auch komme und es anbete.
Then King Herod secretly called the Magi
and met them with anxiously questioning,
when the star had first been witnessed?
He sent them to Bethlehem and said:
“Go and search for the infant;
and when you find him, come and tell me,
that I may come and worship him.”

56. RECITATIVE (Mari Scott, soprano)

Du Falscher, suche nur den Herrn zu fallen, nimm alle falsche List,
dem Heiland nachzustellen;
der, dessen Kraft kein Mensch ermißt, bleibt doch in sichrer Hand.
Dein Herz, dein falsches Herz ist schon, nebst aller seiner List,
des Höchsten Sohn, den du zu stürzen suchst, sehr wohl bekannt.
Imposter, you may seek to crush the Master; take every evil
ruse to trap and harm our Savior. He, the most powerful of all, is
resting in God’s hand. Your heart, deceitful as it is, in every sly
reproach to God’s own Son, whom it seeks to destroy, is known
to him

57. ARIA

Nur ein Wink von seinen Händen stürzt ohnmächtger
Menschen Macht.
Hier wird alle Kraft verlacht! Spricht der Höchste nur ein Wort,
seiner Feinde Stolz zu enden,
O, so müssen sich sofort sterblicher Gedanken wenden.
God controls with just one motion will bring down feeble, human might;
he breaks all strength and pride. God Most High speaks but a word,
and the pride of all is ended.
O, this means we must at once change our thoughts as
moral people.

58. RECITATIVE (Evangelist)

Als sie nun den König gehöret hatten, zogen sie hin. Und siehe,
der Stern,
den sie im Morgenlande gesehen hatten, ging für ihnen hin, bis
daß er kam und stund
oben über, da das Kindlein war.
Da sie den Stern sahen, wurden sie hoch erfreuet und gingen in
das Haus und funden das Kindlein mit Maria,seiner Mutter, und
fielen nieder und beteten es an und täten ihre Schätze auf und
schenkten ihm Gold, Weihrauch und Myrrhen.
When the Magi heard what the king was saying, they departed.
And behold, the star,
which they had seen and followed upon their journey, moved
ahead of them, until it came and stood where the infant lay.
When the Magi saw this, they rejoiced greatly and went into the
house; and finding the baby with Mary, his mother, and falling
down at his feet, they worshipped him.
They offered treasures to the infant: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.


Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier,
O Jesulein, mein Leben;
ich komme, bring und schenke dir,
was du mir hast gegeben.
Nimm hin! es ist mein Geist und Sinn,
Herz, Seel und Mut, nimm alles hin,
und laß dirs wohlgefallen!
I kneel beside the manger bed,
and look to thee, my Savior.
I come now and offer thee
what you to me have given
Take all! It is my spirit,
will match the worth of heart and soul;
so take them all in thy control!

60. RECITATIVE (Evangelist)

Und Gott befahl ihnen im Traum, daß sie sich nicht sollten wieder
zu Herodes lenken,
und zogen durch einen andern Weg wieder in ihr Land.
And God forewarned them in a dream, that they should not go
again to visit Herod;
so, they returned another way into their own land.


So geht! Genug, mein Schatz geht nicht von hier, er bleibet da bei mir,
Ich will ihn auch nicht von mir lassen. sein Arm wird mich aus Lieb
mit sanftmutsvollem Trieb und größter Zärtlichkeit umfassen;
er soll mein Bräutigam verbleiben, ich will ihm Brust und Herz
Ich weiß gewiß er liebet mich, mein Herz liebt ihn auch inniglich
und wird ihn ewig ehren.
Was könnte mich nun für ein Feind bei solchem Glück versehren!
Du, Jesu, bist und bleibst mein Freund, und werd ich ängstlich zu
dir flehn:
Herr, hilf! so laß mich Hülfe sehn!
Farewell! Enough, my treasure will stay here; he will remain with
me, and I will stay with him forever. His loving arm is there to rest
me in his care.
He stays with me and leaves me never; he shall my bridegroom
be forever; in him I find my soul’s endeavor.
I am assured he loves his child; my heart loves him, he is adored;
him will I ever honor.
What enemy could now destroy such perfect joy and gladness?
O, Jesus, you are friend and joy; and when I cry to you in fear: “Lord,
help!” let your help be near!

62. ARIA

Nun mögt ihr stolzen Feinde schrecken;
was könnt ihr mir für Furcht erwecken?
Mein Schatz, mein Hort ist hier bei mir.
Ihr mögt euch noch so grimmig stellen,
droht nur mich ganz und gar zu fällen,
doch seht! mein Heiland wohnet hier.
Now, come you haughty foes, to frighten,
what fear can you instill within me?
My Lord, my shield is here with me.
You may assail in dreadful manner,
and threaten even to undo me.
Behold my Savior dwells with me.

63. RECITATIVE (Jennifer Bevington, soprano, Judith Melander, alto, Ben Brunnette, tenor, Micheal Schmidt, bass)

Was will der Höllen schrecken nun, Was will uns Welt und Sünde
tun, da wir in Jesu Händen ruhn?
The evil powers of Hell subside, No worldly powers of sin
preside, when we in Jesus’ hands abide.


Nun seid ihr wohl gerochen
an eurer Feinde Schar,
denn Christus hat zerbrochen
was euch zuwider war.
Tod, Teufel, Sünd und Hölle
sind ganz und gar geschwächt;
bei Gott hat seine Stelle
das menschliche Geschlecht.
The shout goes up victorious,
that Jesus Christ is born!
The foes have been defeated,
he rules as King and Lord.
Over sin and death and evil,
the battle has been won;
and in our hearts forever
we praise him, God’s own Son.

Nicholas Chalmers

Heralded by the Washington Post as “dulcet and exciting,” Nicholas Chalmers, tenor, has sung with The Bach Society of Minnesota, The Rose Ensemble, the Minnesota Bach Ensemble, Glorious Revolution Baroque, and Transept. Recent solo engagements include the Oratorio Society, the Bach Roots Festival, the Schubert Club, the St. Mark’s Cathedral Concert Series, Minnesota Center Chorale, Border CrosSing, and Lyra Baroque. Nicholas received a B.M. in music from St. Olaf College, as well as an M.M. in Choral Conducting at the University of Minnesota.
Nicholas is the Director of Choirs at Chesterton Academy in Hopkins and is Director of Music at Annunciation Church in Minneapolis. He is also Artistic Director of the Mirandola Ensemble, which presents programs of rarely performed early music from the Medieval and Renaissance eras strategically juxtaposed with the compositions of 20th and 21st century composers. Sought after as an educator and clinician, during the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic years Nicholas piloted a high-school choral residency program in collaboration with Minnesota Public Radio.

About Bach Society of Minnesota

Bach Society of Minnesota was founded in 1932, one of the first organizations in North America to take the legacy of Johann Sebastian Bach as an exclusive starting point for world-class performances with period instruments and historic performance practices that evoke the depths and passions of Bach’s compositions. Under the artistic direction of Matthias Maute, the organization continues its focus on collaboration and excellence, striving to create respectful, successful relationships among musicians, audiences, students, and partner organizations, and building a diverse community with a shared passion for performing, promoting, and appreciating the music of J.S. Bach and those he inspired. For more information about Bach Society of Minnesota, its performances, and concert tickets, visit
Two-time JUNO Award winning conductor, composer, recorder, and flute soloist Matthias Maute has achieved an international reputation. In 2016 he was named artistic director of the Bach Society of Minnesota and in 2019 of the professional choir Ensemble vocal Arts-Québec. Impressed by his artistic approach, The New York Times described the orchestra he conducts in Montreal, Ensemble Caprice, as being “an ensemble that encourages the listener to rehear the world.” Maute’s recording of Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos juxtaposed with Maute’s own arrangements of Preludes from Shostakovich’s Op. 87 was hailed by The New Yorker’s Alex Ross as standing out “for its fleet, characterful approach” and “its fresh, vibrant colors”. Matthias Maute’s compositions are published by Breitkopf & Härtel, Amadeus, Moeck and Carus. Maute’s 1st violin concerto was performed by soloist Mark Fewer with the St. John’s Symphony and with I Musici de Montréal. Matthias Maute has made some twenty recordings on the Analekta, Vanguard Classics, Bella Musica, Dorian, Bridge and ATMA Classique labels.

Margaret Humphrey, concertmaster
Conor O’Brien
Miriam Scholz-Carlson
Marc Levine
Theresa Elliott
Marco Real-d’Arbelles
Steve Staruch
Cheryl Zylla
Rebecca Humphrey
Tulio Rondón
Josh Schwalbach
Anita Rieder
Evan Fraser
Kathryn Montoya
Luke Conklin
Sarah Bates-Kennard
Aaron Goler
Roman Govolanov
Lena Console
Bob Rieder
Peter Kogan
Asako Hirabayashi
Bruce Jacobs

Bach Society of Minnesota Board of Directors and Staff

Amy C Fistler
Paula Goldstein
Vice President
Steven Savitt
Susan Doherty
Jay Kurtz
Past President
Colin Aldis
Holly Fistler
Cléa Galhano
David Gilberstadt
Richard Helling
Karen Kustritz
Andrea Leap
Jonathan Morgan
Richard Resch
Matthias Maute
Artistic Director
Marcoantonio Real-d’Arbelles
Associate Artistic Director
Yunyue Liu
Executive Director
Laura Clapp
Marketing and Events Coordinator
Pam McCarthy-Kern
Public Relations
Laura Birlingmair
Graphic Designer
Rock Solid Agency
Web Developer
Sandy Moore
Grant Writer
Fiona Robinson

About VocalEssence

For 55 years, VocalEssence has provided opportunities for singers from the Twin Cities area to create incredible music together and build connections as part of the vibrant arts community in Minnesota.
VocalEssence is known for introducing audiences to music and artists who are not yet known, often welcoming guest artists, composers, and conductors who are emerging, have unknown works, or represent a variety of cultures. Welcoming all members of the greater community, VocalEssence embodies the motto: Together We Sing.
VocalEssence draws upon the power of singing together to nurture community, inspire creativity, affirm the value of all persons, and expand the influence of choral music.
Artistic Director and Founder
Philip Brunelle, artistic director and founder of VocalEssence 55 years ago, is an internationally-renowned conductor, choral scholar, and visionary. Philip has conducted symphonies, choral festivals, and operas on six continents. He holds five honorary degrees, served 9 years as Vice President of IFCM (International Federation for Choral Music), and has been recognized for his commitment to choral music by the governments of Norway, Hungary, Sweden, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. In 2019, he was awarded the American Prize in Choral Conducting and, in 2020, was given the Honorary Member Award by the Society for American Music. Last fall Philip was appointed a National Arts Associate of the Sigma Alpha Iota Music Fraternity. Philip is also Organist-Choirmaster at Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis. During the pandemic Philip recorded 300 “Musical Moments” which can be accessed at https:// and his thoughts on music are at Philip and his wife Carolyn, a studio artist, have 3 children (Tim, Christopher and Elise) and 7 grandchildren.
Associate Artistic Director
G. Phillip Shoultz, III, associate artistic director, uses the power of the spoken word and song to foster community and inspire action among people of all ages and abilities. Phillip conducts festival choirs and leads workshops across the United States and beyond. He serves on the faculty of the University of St. Thomas and guides the ministries of worship, music, and the arts at Westwood Lutheran Church. An accomplished curator of multi-disciplinary community collaborations, Phillip is the Artistic Director of the University of Minnesota Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute Concert. The Minnesota Orchestra regularly engages Phillip to host their Young People’s Concerts and his online presence continues to grow as his pandemic livestream, Take 5 with GPS, recently reached the 500-episode milestone. The winner of numerous honors, including the ACDA Graduate Conducting Competition and multiple Teacher of the Year awards, Phillip founded “Table for More” in the summer of 2020 to help organizations address issues related to innovation, equity, racial justice, and belonging in the arts. Phillip lives in St. Louis Park with his wife, Michelle, and their two children (Malachi and Lydia Grace).
Learning and Engagement Manager
Conductor, Vintage Voices
Robert Graham is the Learning and Engagement Manager at VocalEssence where he serves as the conductor for the VocalEssence Vintage Voices choirs, and oversees the renowned VocalEssence WITNESS School Program. Robert has a Master of Music degree in both vocal performance and choral conducting from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, and a B.A. in vocal performance from Xavier University of Louisiana. Robert currently serves as a section leader of the adult choir at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis, sings second tenor in the VocalEssence Ensemble Singers, and also performs around the Twin Cities as a solo and chamber musician.
Pianist Casey Rafn enjoys a varied career as a collaborative pianist both in the United States and abroad, in Europe and Latin America. He is a member of ‘Trés’, whose saxophone-piano trio was just nominated for a Latin Grammy for Best Instrumental Album for their new album “Romance al Campesino Porteño.” Casey often collaborates in concert or recordings with members of the Minnesota Orchestra, the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, and University of Minnesota School of Music faculty. As a piano soloist he took top prizes at the International Liszt-Garrison Competition in Baltimore, has appeared with the Duluth-Superior Symphony Orchestra, and has taught at both the University of Minnesota School of Music and the St. Paul Conservatory for Performing Arts.
Accompanist, VocalEssence Vintage Voices
John Jensen received his music degrees in Southern California, where he attended Occidental College and University of Southern California. While there he free-lanced as a studio musician, playing on the Andy Williams show and touring the country with prominent singers through Columbia Artists Management. He moved to Iowa and taught for 15 years at Grinnell College as an artist-in-residence. In 1990, John moved to St. Paul and has played with VocalEssence, the Minnesota Orchestra, and the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra. In November 2022, John appeared with the Yale Symphony Orchestra at Yale University to play and record a piano concerto by the late Paul Reale, for Naxos records (to be released in 2023).

VocalEssence Chorus 2023-24, photo credit-Bruce Silcox

The VocalEssence Chorus is a group of talented and enthusiastic singers from many different walks of life, united by their love of singing and community. Performing a wide variety of musical styles, premiering new works, and sharing the stage with a diverse array of guest artists, the Chorus is a welcome home for singers who wish to continue making music throughout their adult lives.

VocalEssence Ensemble Singers 2023-24, photo credit-Bruce Silcox

The VocalEssence Ensemble Singers have established an international reputation because of their extensive catalog of recordings and broad range of unique repertoire. This chamber choir, whose members hail from a wide variety of professions, is bound together by their skilled artistry to create what The Times of London has described as a “flawless” sound.
Jennifer Bevington
Katie Boardman
Elsa Buck
Chloe Johnson
JoAnna Johnson
Kathryn Rupp
Mari Scott
Carey Shunskis
Robin Joy Helgen
Patty Kramer
Audrey Lane-Getaz
Judith McClain Melander
Anna G Meek
Carolyn Nuelle
Kristina Rodel Sorum
Catherine Terres
Peter Aldrich
Eli Baumgartner
Will Berendsen
Ben Brunnette
Jared Campbell
Robert J. Graham
Jonah Herzog
Phil Reilly
Joseph Ellickson
David Gindra
Joe Kastner
Erik Krohg
Nathan Petersen-Kindem
Dr. Michael P. Schmidt
Benjamin Shermock
Timothy Takach

Members of VocalEssence Singers Of This Age on performing stage wearing multi colored shirts.
VocalEssence Singers Of This Age, photo credit-Anna Min

The VocalEssence Singers Of This Age (VESOTA) is a community of Twin Cities teenagers engaged in expanding what it means to be a choir and, encouraging a wider circle of participation in the artform. Presenting music ranging from classical to hip-hop, they use creativity and collaboration to build an accepting community, equipped with the skills to lead social change in our society.

Three adult Vintage Voices members holding black folders and singing. Photo Credit: Adja Gildersleve
Vintage Voices members, photo credit-Adja Gildersleve

VocalEssence Vintage Voices is an exciting choral program that integrates the arts into the everyday lives of older adults. Guided by a desire to create a welcoming atmosphere and remove barriers for participation, these choirs sing to build community, combat loneliness and isolation, and improve physical and emotional wellbeing.

VocalEssence Board of Directors and Staff

Carolina Maranon-Cobos
Torrie Allen
Vice President
Daniel Fernelius
Kristen Hoeschler O’Brien
Mary Ann Aufderheide
Anna Boyle
Tanya M. Bransford
Philip Brunelle
Ben Brunnette
Amber Cales
Mirella Ceja-Orozco
Margaret Chutich
Dan Dressen
Martha Driessen
Cassandra Garnett
Autumn Gurgel
Valton Henderson
Daniel Kantor
Lisa Merklin Lewis
Rhoda Mhiripiri-Reed
Richard Neuner
Kristine Oberg
Jim Odland
Doug Parish
Joanne Reeck
G. Phillip Shoultz, III
Jeff Smith
Amanda Storm Schuster
Timothy C. Takach
Bob Thacker
Elizabeth Truesdell Smith
Ann Barkelew
Ann Buran
Art Kaemmer
Nikki Lewis
Mike McCarthy*
Dave Mona
Fred Moore
Don Shelby
Dorene Wernke
Dominick Argento*
William Bolcom
Dave Brubeck*
Stewart Copeland
Aaron Copland*
Håkan Hagegård
Louise Heffelfinger*
Eskil Hemberg*
Betty Hulings*
Sigrid Johnson*
James Earl Jones
Garrison Keillor
Donald Mitchell*
Helmuth Rilling
John Rutter
Peter Schickele
Dr. André J. Thomas
Eric Whitacre
*In remembrance
Philip Brunelle
Artistic Director and Founder
G. Phillip Shoultz, III
Associate Artistic Director
Robert Graham
Learning and Engagement Manager | Conductor, Vintage Voices
Casey Rafn
John Jensen
Accompanist, Vintage Voices
Azure Anderson
Executive Assistant
Mary Ann Aufderheide
Executive Director
Jeff Bina
Director of Finance and Operations
Rhiannon Fiskradatz
Learning and Engagement Manager
Laura Holst
Development and Marketing Associate
Emma Jirele Sandhurst
Learning and Engagement Manager
Ethan Johnson
Director of Artistic Operations
Amanda Timmer
Director of Marketing and Communications
Elissa Weller
Director of Development

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Thank you, Bach Society of Minnesota and VocalEssence Supporters

Bach Society of Minnesota and VocalEssence have a large group of committed supporters and is honored by the many gifts received in memory, appreciation, and celebration of friends and family that are too many to list in this concert program. Please click the button below to see a full list of supporters and special tributes.

Bach Society of Minnesota Supporters

VocalEssence Supporters

Bach Society of Minnesota 2023-2024 Season Sponsors