In this Musical Moment, VocalEssence artistic director and founder Philip Brunelle shares insider information and beautiful music by the composer Gerardo Cárdenas.
Gerardo Cárdenas
b. 1957
Gerardo Cárdenas is a composer based in Morelia, México. He studied in France under Jacques Castérède at L’École Normal de Musique de Paris and the Paris Conservatoire and completed distinguished post-graduate research and participated in seminars with leading European musicians. He is devoted to music education and serves as the director of the conservatory Las Rosas and director of Collegium Musicum, an organization that he founded in 1994. Through the ¡Cantaré! program at VocalEssence, Cárdenas composed works for schools in Minneapolis and St. Paul. His extensive experience as a music teacher with children gives him first-hand knowledge of children’s voices, which translates well into his unique compositions that children love to sing and adults love to hear.
Suggested choral pieces (all self published):
- Cuatro Pájaros
- Danza Ilusoria
- Carta de San Pablo