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VESOTA Wins Chorus America Education Award

April brought a huge thrill as Chorus America recognized VocalEssence with its 2019 Education and Community Engagement Award for our youth choral program, VocalEssence Singers Of This Age (VESOTA).  Chorus America is a prominent advocacy organization for our nation’s choral groups, and its Education and Community Engagement Award recognizes the best emerging program (less than…  Read More

Concerts and Events

VocalEssence brings our community together through song. Our concerts and events inspire people of all ages to connect with each other, hear beautiful music, and create music of their own. Concert Series: Each season, VocalEssence performs 5-7 concerts around the community for audiences ages 6 and up. Our music goes beyond the typical choir standards,…  Read More


Whether you are an individual, company or foundation, there are a number of ways for you to help transform the lives of more than 20,000 people each year ages 0-100+ through our concerts, events, and learning and engagement programs. Ways to Give Online Now: Whether you want to give a one-time gift or set up…  Read More

VocalEssence WITNESS School Program

The VocalEssence WITNESS School Program is an exciting opportunity for Minnesota students and teachers to learn more about the contributions African Americans have made, and are making, to the fine arts. 2020-2021 VocalEssence WITNESS: Will you be a Witness? Movements of Social Change Throughout history and across many cultures, music and movement, art and creative expression have all…  Read More

Sing with Us

Each year dozens of experienced singers from the Twin Cities and beyond audition or interview to be a part of the VocalEssence performing ensembles. Click the ensemble names to learn more about how to sing with us. VocalEssence Chorus & Ensemble Singers Come and sing with one of our adult choirs, the VocalEssence Chorus or…  Read More