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Searched for: vocalessence sota

Celebrate the Season with Bach’s Christmas Oratorio at the Basilica

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   CONTACTS:   Jennifer Weismann   612-716-0556     Randi Ericksen  612-440-6219 CELEBRATE THE SEASON WITH BACH’S CHRISTMAS ORATORIO AT THE BASILICA  VocalEssence and The Bach Society of Minnesota team up to perform holiday masterwork—December 3  MINNEAPOLIS—September 17, 2021—The VocalEssence Ensemble Singers and the Bach Society of Minnesota (BSM) will collaborate on a concert performance of Bach’s Christmas Oratorio in a stunning setting, at…  Read More

2021 Fall Arts: Classical music has opera outdoors, a Chopin champ and Vanska’s final season

By SHEILA REGAN Special to the Pioneer Press | September 9, 2021  Get your vaccine card and your mask ready as we head to the fall performing arts season. Most of the main performing venues— including concerts at Orchestra Hall and the Ordway require vaccinations and/or a negative test, as well as require visitors to wear…  Read More

Where in the World are the Conductors-August 2021

Philip Brunelle: August has been a busy month of planning for Artistic Director and Founder Philip Brunelle. He has been working on finalizing repertoire for the season, ordering orchestral music, confirming concert dates and details, and (of course) continuing to do fundraising! This month also included attending a Board member’s wedding, finishing the edits for…  Read More

Leland Sateren | Musical Moments with Philip Brunelle

In this Musical Moment, VocalEssence artistic director and founder Philip Brunelle shares insider information and beautiful music by the composer Leland Sateren. Leland Sateren 1913-2007 Leland Sateren was a renowned Minnesotan composer and conductor who served as chairman of the Augsburg College Department of Music from 1950 to 1973 and as director of the Augsburg…  Read More

Silhouette of mother with stars

Welcome Christmas 2021

Revel in the mystery of the season through the depth of a mother’s love Three Performances Saturday, December 11, 2021 at 4 PM Plymouth Congregational Church 1919 LaSalle Avenue, Minneapolis, MN Saturday, December 11, 2021 at 7:30 PM Plymouth Congregational Church 1919 LaSalle Avenue, Minneapolis, MN Sunday, December 12, 2021 at 4 PM Roseville Lutheran…

Spanish Transcription of interview with Carolina (Marañon) Gustafson

Gustavo: Bienvenidos a este número 2 de la serie VocalEssence y Amigos. Esta oportunidad tan grata que tenemos de presentarles a esta organización musical coral de las ciudades gemelas que está extendiendo esta invitación a todas nuestras familias hispanas. Platicamos hace unos días con Novelli Jurado, un músico compositor y gran amigo también de VocalEssence.…

English Transcription of Interview with Carolina (Marañon) Gustafson

Gustavo: Welcome to episode number 2 of the VocalEssence and Friends series. It is with great honor that VocalEssence and me introduce you to the great choral musical organization of the Twin Cities called VocalEssence. VE is extending this invitation to all our LatinX families here in the Twin Cities. We spoke a few days…

Where in the World are the Conductors-June 2021

Philip Brunelle: Artistic Director and Founder Philip Brunelle is working on creating a digital library of all the composers featured on Musical Moments with the help of intern Blake Wieseler from St. Olaf College. Since Musical Moments began in March of 2020, almost 300 composers who have been central to the success of VocalEssence have…  Read More

English Transcription of Interview with Novelli Jurado

Gustavo: Friends from the twin cities of and the state of Minnesota. Gustavo Mancilla here and it is with great pleasure to be with you with. This is a special interview in which we have the pleasure to have with us a musician, a local talent based in the twin cities directly from Mexico City,…

Transcripción al Español de la Entrevista con Novelli Jurado

Gustavo: Amigos de las ciudades gemelas del estado de Minnesota les saluda Gustavo Mancilla con mucho gusto en esto que es una entrevista especial para conocer a un musico, a un talento local radicado en las ciudades gemelas directamente desde la Ciudad de México. Nuestro amigo Novelli Jurado a quien conocemos desde hace mucho tiempo…


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  CONTACT:  Jennifer Weismann    612-716-0556      TWIN CITIES CHORAL COMMUNITY TO PRESENT “VOICES RISING: A CHORAL AFFIRMATION OF BLACK LIVES” Twelve-chorus collaboration to be livestreamed June 16 at 7 PM CST on YourClassical MPR     MINNEAPOLIS—May 20, 2021—Voices Rising: A Choral Affirmation of Black Lives, is a collaboration of 12 local choral organizations that is a united artistic…  Read More

Guthrie to start presenting plays in October; the weekend’s hybrid Art-A-Whirl

By Pamela Espeland MinnPost | May 12, 2021 Guthrie to start presenting plays in October; the weekend’s hybrid Art-A-Whirl Guthrie to start presenting plays in October; the weekend’s hybrid Art-A-Whirl ALSO: VocalEssence’s “Witness 2021” concert to livestream; Collide Theatrical Dance Company presents “Wonderland”; and more. On Thursday, July 8, the Guthrie, including the Amber Box on…  Read More

Where in the World are the Conductors-April 2021

Philip Brunelle Artistic Director and Founder Philip Brunelle will be spending the last part of April and early May concluding plans for the 53rd VocalEssence season and also hearing many, many singers for their spring auditions. This is always an important part of the year, inviting wonderful voices to be part of the upcoming VocalEssence…  Read More

Intermedia Arts will give $1 million to Public Functionary; Children’s Theatre offers help to families and teachers

By: Pamela Espeland MinnPost | April 15, 2021  Covered with art and graffiti, the Intermedia Arts Building was a Minneapolis landmark. Colliers Intermedia Arts may have written its final chapter, with a graceful flourish. In 2017, the 44-year-old nonprofit arts organization experienced a financial crisis it couldn’t survive. It suspended operations, laid off its…  Read More