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Searched for: vocalessence sota

Patricia Brown

Dancer/Choreographer For 22 years, Patricia Brown has been an active member of the Twin Cities arts community as a dancer, instructor, choreographer, and performer. She is an African-based movement instructor whose fusion style is rooted in dance of West Africa, other African regions, the Caribbean, and Americas. Incorporating various forms of artistic expression, her classes…  Read More

Timothy Berry

Vocalist/Composer/Percussionist Dr. Timothy Berry began singing in his father’s church at age 5 where his mother was the pianist and choir director. He has played hand drums since age 12.  His eclectic performance background includes: The Urban Flavor Band; Leigh Morris Chorale; Penumbra Theater; MN Opera; Contempo Dance Physical; Minnesota State University Repertory Dance Theater;…  Read More

Vintage Voices Spring 2018

VocalEssence connects senior citizens with the social and mental health benefits of group singing through its Vintage Voices program. VocalEssence Vintage Voices meets seniors on their own turf, providing choral instruction at senior centers and residences. This spring, the program is sponsoring choirs at three different locations: Trillium Woods in Plymouth, Sabathani Senior Center in…  Read More

Together We Sing Festival

Each season VocalEssence hosts a festival created by you for you to connect, sing, and give back to the community. Join us for Together We Sing Festival 2020 at the Minnesota History Center on Saturday, January 18, 2020. Learn more and register here.

Where in the World are the Conductors—January 2018

While the busy holiday season is behind them, the new year holds plenty of exciting projects for our in-demand conductors, Artistic Director Philip Brunelle and Associate Conductor G. Phillip Shoultz, III. Our Ensemble Singers are putting the final polish on their preparations for the Super Bowl LIVE kickoff concert. Philip Brunelle is leading them in…  Read More

Where in the World are the Conductors – December 2017

December is a music-filled month for our hard-working conductors, Artistic Director Philip Brunelle and Associate Conductor G. Phillip Shoultz, III. They led performers in introducing a new generation of choral music fans to holiday carols in the sold out Star of Wonder concerts, and carried on a beloved tradition with the Welcome Christmas concert series.…  Read More

Beautiful Star CD Text

WISHES AND CANDLES Stephen Paulus We have a wish for each candle we light, Making the holidays shiny and bright. A wish for the children, the young and the old, To never go hungry, to never be cold. Wishes and candles and love and laughter, Memories we’ll treasure forever after. Families are gathered with presents…  Read More

Beautiful Star

We always look forward to our Welcome Christmas concerts for the joy and warmth that this music brings to everyone. In 2017 we wanted to celebrate some of the many, many composers living in our Twin Cities (Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota): what an abundance of marvelous talent we have here! Some of the music…  Read More

Mortals & Angels

It’s time for another mashup of Minnesota musical genres, as Minnesotan choral legends VocalEssence and bluegrass quintet Monroe Crossing team up for a new recording, Mortals & Angels: A Bluegrass Te Deum. Mortals & Angels: A Bluegrass Te Deum is an original work by Minnesota composer Carol Barnett and librettist Marisha Chamberlain, and is an…  Read More

Where in the World are the Conductors – November 2017

Following the very successful and sold out Bach & Bluegrass Jamboree performance, Artistic Director Philip Brunelle and Associate Conductor G. Phillip Shoultz, III led performers in recording selections to be included in a new cd titled Mortals & Angels: A Bluegrass Te Deum that will be available on December 1, 2017. Both conductors will be busy at…  Read More

Where in the World are the Conductors – October 2017

Artistic Director Philip Brunelle is presently in Seoul, South Korea conducting an all-American concert with one of Korea’s finest professional choirs, the Ansan City Choir. Included in the program is “Peter Quince at the Clavier” by Dominick Argento, to celebrate Argento’s 90th birthday on October 27. When he returns, he will have a number of…  Read More

Where in the World Are the Conductors – September 2017

A wonderful month ahead with lots of music-making! The first rehearsals have begun for the VocalEssence Chorus & Ensemble Singers. Osmo Vänskä comes to rehearsal next week as the Ensemble Singers prepare for the Finland concerts with Osmo on clarinet and Sara Pajunen on fiddle. Don’t miss one of these September 24 concerts at the…  Read More

Jeff Bina

Director of Finance and Operations phone 612-547-1455 fax 612-547-1464 Jeff Bina comes to VocalEssence with a background in arts administration and finance as well as radio production and music performance. Prior to VocalEssence, he spent four years with the professional men’s vocal ensemble, Cantus, serving as their Operations and Finance Manager. Here, he grew…  Read More

Amanda Timmer

Director of Marketing and Communications phone 612-547-1459 fax 612-547-1484 Amanda Timmer joined VocalEssence in 2014.  As the Director of Marketing and Communications, Amanda plans and oversees communication strategies that promote all that VocalEssence creates. Prior to joining the VocalEssence staff, Amanda earned a Master of Music degree in Flute Performance from Minnesota State University,…  Read More

2017-2018 Composer Winners Announced

VocalEssence is pleased to announce the following winners of the 20th annual VocalEssence Welcome Christmas Carol Contest, and the second year of VocalEssence ReMix. Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all who applied. Welcome Christmas Carol Contest Winners Sponsored by the American Composers Forum and VocalEssence, the Welcome Christmas Carol Contest is now…  Read More