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Searched for: vocalessence sota

John Birge/Classical MPR: An Evening of Spiritual Arrangements

Interview by John Birge, Minnesota Public Radio March 2, 2011 St. Paul, Minn. — How ironic. The man who wrote the book on spirituals hated spirituals a his first encounter! Back when Dr. Andre Thomas was the only black boy in an all-white Kansas school, he “shrank with embarrassment” when his high school choir sang…  Read More

Alliance Française honors Philip Brunelle

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (April 7, 2010) — The Alliance Française de Minneapolis and St. Paul is honoring two Minnesotans for their dedication to promoting French language and culture with the prestigious Médaillons de l’Alliance Française. The Award of Excellence will be given to Philip Brunelle, internationally renowned artistic director of VocalEssence, for featuring no less than…  Read More