VocalEssence was fortunate to have two fantastic interns this summer: Aaron Schondorf and Blake Wieseler. Each and every voice that contributes to, or participates in our mission is an essential part of our community. We are thrilled to share the projects these two have worked on during their time at VocalEssence.
Aaron Schondorf, a Carleton College student (and fantastic juggler!), worked on the following projects:
- Alphabetized all the arrangement of spirituals in Philip Brunelle’s office
- Entered the repertoire from all the concerts from the past 2 seasons in the VocalEssence Repertoire Database
- Assisted in proofing Stephen Paulus solo repertoire volumes
- Checked accuracy of instrumental folders and filed them
- Worked on archiving composer files (we are now up to letter “G”!)
- Helped in totally revising the choral library of single copies
Blake Wieseler, a St. Olaf College student with fantastic ballroom dancing skills, worked with Philip Brunelle on his “Musical Moments” posts:
- Helped write biographies and find photos of the composers featured (as well as contacting the living composers for their approval on the biographies and photos)
- Created blog posts on the VocalEssence website that include links to each Musical Moment video, composer photo and biography, and repertoire suggestions
- Organized the composers profiled on the VocalEssence website and helped work with our website developer to begin the process of creating a searchable database of the nearly 300 composers featured on Musical Moments
Join us in sharing our gratitude to Aaron and Blake! We are incredibly thankful for their help!