Singing has always been a community activity. For generations upon generations, people have come together in song to celebrate, mourn, praise, and inspire each other.
For nearly half a century, VocalEssence has been dedicated to keeping that essential human tradition alive. With exhilarating concert performances, ground-breaking educational programming, and tireless advocacy for choral music, VocalEssence has proven that singing together is still a relevant—and sometimes revolutionary—way to create community in today’s modern world.
- About VocalEssence—Learn about our mission, our history, and our results.
- Press Room—Find everything you need to report about VocalEssence.
- Annual Reports—Download annual reports from 2009 to today.
- Financial Information—Review our financial statements.
- Staff—Meet the artistic and administrative staff members of VocalEssence.
- Board of Directors—See the list of our officers, board members, and honorary directors.
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